The Mavic Air
This week my long awaited Mavic Air – Redflame Fly More Combo has finally arrived by DHL. This only took 3 days, from Shenzen to my home!
After the initial excitement about my first drone, I started unpacking and charging the batteries I tried to get the Drone working… although I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos, non of them told me the basics.. like how to power up the controller and drone. After reading through the Quick Guide, it was all clear. Also this YouTube video show how it works..
It seems that my girls have a lot fun with the Mavic, although today when she first heard the sound of it, she was not so excited anymore…
Sadly, the weather right now is pretty miserable, -12°C and snowing.. not something you like to go out with you new Drone. Never the less I took the Drone, Remote Controller (RC) and the spare batteries with me to a field next door. I started up the Mavic Air, despite the wind and cold. I left the mode in “Beginner Mode” as I’ve never flown a drone before… so this went pretty well. after about 10min, I had to stop as I was no longer able to feel my fingers…..
Today, March 1st, over lunch time , I grabbed my Mavic Air and went outside again. This time it was about -1°C and a little sunny. So much better conditions than last time. I started up the Drone in the field and flown around and took some images and videos. Mainly I got a bit familiar with the behavior and capabilities. I think the images I took are ok, no magic, but something to start from.
When I look at the video footage, it’s far from what you see on YouTube, so I have a long way to go.
I’ve tested the Panorama mode and stitched it in Lightroom afterward
So let’s see where this leads to…