High Winds….

Hi Guys, It was really a windy place where on top of the ridge. We stepped out of the car and got almost blown away… never the less we wanted to test the stability of the Mavic Air! Put the drone on the ground and … Continue readingHigh Winds….

Arosa from the air….

Hi Guys, I took my little Mavic Air to Arosa. While Flurina was enjoying the skiing in the Honigland, I flew with the drone over the location. I went up 250m to get an astonishing view from the Arosa ski-slops.  

Changing seasons…

Changing seasons in Arosa Today I talk about something different, I’ve taken the “same” shoot over the course of time and seasons. This was taken out of the window in Arosa towards the surrounding mountains in Arosa. I’ve taken 3 pictures from winter, summer and … Continue readingChanging seasons…