Dear Visitor, Today I’ve exchanged my server’s body, well changed the chassis of the server. This was required to host more hard-drives for backups. I already had enough space in…
Finally I have bought a LightRoom subscription as it’s one of my most used programs. I was quite happy with LR5, and was looking forward to LR6 with GPU support…
As the emon’s are now up and running, the next big thing needs to happen, calibrating the sensors.. There is a good wiki on how and what to do:…
Hi All, A few weeks back a friend of mine showed me the OpenEnergyMonitor project. I got very much interested installing a few power meters and temperature sensors around the…
Happy new Year, 2014! Starting from this year I will add a Watermark to my images. I’ve created a new logo with Blender. I’ve modeled a merged R(oman) and G(ischig),…
Hi Guys, I found a “new” Gallery3 Worpress plugin called “Galleria Javascript Gallery3 Slideshow”. it creates these nice sliedshows into your WP page. The installation is simple, but to use…