Burning red autumn leaves are out

Today I left work a bit early… and I rushed home, packed my bag with the new D850 and some lenses. Mostly long lenses, the 24-70mm, the 105mm macro, the 70-200mm and finally the 200-500mm. Almost forgot my try-pod…On top I packed my Mavic Air…

With a heavy backpack I got my bike out and headed towards the woods around my home.

Interestingly enough I spotted some nice coloured trees from the highway, so I thought that most trees got colourful leaves by now.. but I was not right. So I drove around while the sun begun to set. I headed towards the highway, where I finally found some nice leaves to photograph. I had my difficulties imaging full trees.. The image appeared very blurry and nervous. So I sticked to single leaves..

Finally I ended up in the at a Biotop near Effretikon, where I got some really nice contrasty shots