5 min read 0

Picture Frame 2.0

Finally, I bought a large screen, convinced my wife and did it… but one after the other. I had an idea to place a large screen in the dining area…
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The Steamboat Uri on lake Lucern

Yesterday we visited my parents in Vitznau, so I took the Mavic 2 Pro with me. First I tried to shoot a nice image from the largest (I think) Swiss…
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DJI Mavic 2 Pro….

The first flight Yesterday I got my Mavic 2 Pro which I bought from a friend of mine. As I live in a non-flight zone I had to wait until…
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The Pictureframe

I had the idea to mount a screen in our living room to display our images from your world-tour. I did not want to spend too much money and for…
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Office Update…

Since we are back from our trip, we installed ourselves in our home again. I had to re-install all the IT stuff as well as my office. IT installation The…
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Cleaning my sandy tripod

The reason Over the last half year, I’ve been on several beaches and sandy areas. From Alaska to the deserts of Utha to the beaches of California and then I…