Arosa – Hauptichopf with Snowshoes

Last weekend I was alone in Arosa, as I was renting out the flat this summer. So I showed the flat to the family who will rent the place!

Sunday it was really nice weather and pretty warm for the season. As it was almost 11:30am, I decided to go snowshoe walking instead of snowboarding. I took packed my Mavic Air, and my phone, some water and food, and headed for the bus towards Prätschli.

I headed straight for the Hauptichopf, wow… I was sweating my way up, the sun shining, and almost no wind. After about 45min I arrived on top of the Hauptichopf! What a view

As this was not enough, I headed toward the Brüggerhorn, but not all the way. I’ve seen a nice valley where I could get some nice drone shoots… so I started up my Mavic Air. Ohhh.. my iPad had deleted the DJI GO App, as it was upgrading the OS… so I had to re-install the app, prior my flight!

Bit I’ve shoot some really nice footage:

Hauptichopf – Arosa by Drone

On the way down, I tried a few nice tracking features of the Mavic Air… I have to say, really nice work. Besides if you loos connection for a split second, the tracking stops 🙁 I have no idea why this happens, if the USB cable was loos, or so… but besides that I would say it was a nice walk.