Hi Guys,
I was searching for a long time for a good backpack to carry all my wonderful gear around. First I was looking at Lowe-Pro, as I had a Sling-shot from them. But one thing which really bothered me was that all the backpacks I’ve seen where opening to the “outside”. Which means you must take off your backpack and put it with the backside down to the ground. In case the ground was wet or dirty, all the unpleasant dirt was all over your back once you wore the backpack again.
The solution was a backpack with the opening on the “inside”. After coming across some nice reviews (can’t remember where I found them…) of the f-stop Tilopa backpack, I was searching for a store who had them on display. Luckily there was a store in Zürich, which is only 20min driving from where I live.
I headed down to the shop with all my gear… yes all my photo gear! I’ve checkt if the size of the backpack was fitting my size (1.98m tall), and yes, all no problem.
I just found a really nice review by Daniel Korzeniewski on his Blog.
Next I had to find the right ICU for my gear. As I do not have any body with a grip/battery pack and most of my lenses are lengthy, I’ve decided to go with a ICU-shallow-midi and small.
Further I was looking around for a light-weight tripod which is also fairly tall… They had the Surui T-1204X, Carbon model there. the tripod is only 800g light and ist 1.4m tall. Adding my ballhead and the camera, it’s already an acceptable height. So I’m very pleased with the stability.
Looking forward to Las Vegas and New York to capture some really nice pictures