The Alarm was ringing at 4:45 in the morning…. We stayed in Green River, which is 1h 20min from Mesa Arch away. Sunset was at about 7am. We thought to be there 1h ahead of sunrise, as we expected a lot of people at the site. As usual, we where about 15min late at departure, which was still not that bad. Rushing all the way to Mesa Arch parking we arrived at about 6:20am which was still about 45min before sunrise. The parking was already filled with a few cars and a caravan. We packed our backpacks and rushed to the arch, which was about 10min on foot. At the scene, about 20 photographer squeezed themselves in front of the arch, to us a quite unusual sight!
With a few polite good morning’s we managed to get our spots as well… Unfortunately it was pretty cloudy and we where not sure if we would get the shoot we where looking for. The sun rise but it was hidden by clouds, so not much joy. Still every one took a lot of pictures J
A shower of rain started about 10min after sunrise. Many people left the scene, as the clouds blocked the sun and now the rain poring down… just too much.
We stayed around for some time, and then finally the sun peeked through the clouds. With much space on site I found a good spot and could take some really good pictures. After a few minutes the sun again disappeared behind the clouds again..
Never the less the site offered a variety of interesting locations and views. With the sun, rain and clouds in view some beautiful pictures emerged.
Being hungry as we have not had any breakfast we then headed to Moab where we had to fill up our gas tank which was almost dry as well as filling our stomachs with coffee and some real American breakfast J
During breakfast we planed our next stops towards Denver… Black Canyon was on our list…